- Lex, parse, and compile a simple program successfully
- Have comprehensive documentation
- Have a simple program run with correct behavior in the Python VM
- Have basic syntax error detection and notification - full syntax checking does not seem to be possible with a recursive decent parser
- have a nice-ish command line interface
- Does not use excessive amounts of memory
- Runs a simple program within a decent time frame
- compile a program within a decent time frame
Create a set of Data Flow Diagrams for your project (at least the Context Diagram and Level 0 DFD - Level 1 if required). [10 marks]
This is in the form of Charts
Using your list of features from Part 4, estimate the time it will take to reach them. Create a Gantt or PERT chart for your timeline. Make sure you keep an eye on this, as it will be a significant part of your final presentation. [3 marks]
See Assets
Describe at least two areas which could be used to extend your project in future revisions and provide some discussion on what would be required to pursue them. [4 marks]
- Try and have the output be compatible between py3k revisions
- Optimization of the compiled output (this and the one above may be mutually exclusive)
- have it be a full lisp machine, with support for lisp macros (the horror!)
Pseudocode and a flow chart for one small module of code (must include loops and conditional branching [if statement]) [4 marks]
See the System Development flow chart on the Charts page for the flow chart
rules <- in rules replace "\n" with " "
rules <- rules split by ";"
rules <- remove excess whitespace from rules
rules <- remove empty rules
while rules do
rule <- pop from rules
if rule starts with "%" then
else if rule starts with "//" then
else then
value <- rule split by "::="
key <- first from value
key <- key uppercased and stripped of excess whitespace
value <- value joined with "::="
value <- value cleaned
loaded_grammars[key] <- value
end if
end while
Test data for the grammar_parser is available in the tyrian/Grammar folder, test data for the project in general is available in the examples folder.
See Assets for image
for code
rules = rules.replace("\n", " ")
rules = rules.split(";")
rules = map(str.rstrip, rules)
rules = list(filter(bool, rules))
while rules:
rule = rules.pop(0)
if rule.startswith("%"):
elif rule.startswith("//"):
value = rule.split("::=")
key = value.pop(0)
key = key.upper().strip()
value = "::=".join(value)
value = clean(value)
loaded_grammars[key] = value
Source code should be included... somewhere.