
Context diagram

digraph {
    node [style=filled,color="#5D8AA8", fillcolor="#5D8AA8"];

    subgraph files {
        node [shape="diamond"];

    "program.lisp" -> Tyrian [label="Program code"]
    "tokens.json" -> Tyrian [label="Token definitions"]
    Grammar -> Tyrian [label="Grammar",labeldistance=2.5]
    Tyrian -> "program.pyc" [label="Bytecode"]

Level 0 DFD

digraph {
    node [style=filled,color="#5D8AA8", fillcolor="#5D8AA8"];

    subgraph files {
        node [shape="diamond"];
        "tokens.json" [label="Token definitions"];

    subgraph processes {

    "program.lisp" -> Lexer [label="Program code"]
    "tokens.json" -> Lexer

    "tokens.json" -> GrammarParser
    Grammar -> GrammarParser
    GrammarParser -> Parser [label="\"check tree\""]

    Lexer -> Parser [label="tokens"]
    Grammar -> Parser [labeldistance=20]

    Parser -> Compiler [label="AST"]

    "lisp_runtime" -> Compiler
    Compiler -> "program.pyc" [label="Bytecode"]

Level 1 DFD

System Development Flow Chart

digraph {
    node [style=filled,color="#5D8AA8", fillcolor="#5D8AA8"];

    subgraph terminal {
        node [shape="ellipse"];

    subgraph process {
        node [shape="box"];
        "assign the slot key in the hash loaded_grammars to value";
        "handle line as setting";
        "key <- key upper and stripped of spaces";
        "replace all newlines in rules with a single space";
        "split line by ::= into key and value";
        "split rules by semicolon";
        "value <- value cleaned";
        "value <- value joined with \"::=\"";
        "remove empty rules";
        "line <- first rule from rules";

    subgraph flow_control {
        node [shape="diamond"];
        "if line starts with \"%\"";
        "if line starts with //";
//        "if rules empty";

    "entry" ->
    "replace all newlines in rules with a single space" ->
    "split rules by semicolon" ->
    "remove excess whitespace from rules" ->
    "remove empty rules" -> "if rules empty";

    "if rules empty" -> "line <- first rule from rules" [label="false"]

    "line <- first rule from rules" -> "if line starts with \"%\""
    "if line starts with \"%\"" -> "handle line as setting" [label="true"]
    "handle line as setting" -> "if rules empty"

    "if line starts with \"%\"" -> "if line starts with //" [label="false"]
    "if line starts with //" -> "if rules empty" [label="true"]

    "if line starts with //" -> "split line by ::= into key and value" [label="false"]

    "split line by ::= into key and value" ->
    "key <- key upper and stripped of spaces" ->
    "value <- value joined with \"::=\"" ->
    "value <- value cleaned" ->
    "assign the slot key in the hash loaded_grammars to value" ->
    "if rules empty"

    "if rules empty" -> "exit" [label="true"]